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Title IV-A

Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grants are intended to improve students' academic achievement by increasing the capacity of States, LEAs, schools, and local communities to:

  • provide all students with access to a well-rounded education,
  • improve school conditions for student learning, and
  • improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students (ESEA section 4101).

Currently, Stephens County School System transfers Title IV, Part A funds into the Title V, Part B program prior to consolidation.  Consolidated funds are then used to meet the needs of all students.  For more information regarding Title IV, Part A, please visit the Georgia Department of Education Federal Programs Webpage.


Darla Harbin

(706) 886-9415 ex: 1687
Federal Programs Coordinator